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Your Website is Too Slow

And it's costing you money

Each time someone visits your website you have a chance to hook them, and land a customer for life. Every time a customer abandons your website you are leaving money on the table. Long load times are the #1 reason people abandon a website after clicking a link. Google demonstrated this with a massive study of over 90,000 websites. Their main takeaway:

Speed equals Revenue

One of the main concepts Google was looking at was the bounce rate. Meaning the percent of people who click a link to a website and then leave almost immediately.

Bounce Rate Impact

Increase in bounce rate when page load time increases from 1 second to:

Load time: 1s to 3s+32% bounce rate
Load time: 1s to 5s+90% bounce rate
Load time: 1s to 6s+106% bounce rate
Load time: 1s to 10s+123% bounce rate

Data from Google's analysis of 90,000+ websites

Loading speed is just one factor in how well your website converts clicks into sales, but it's one you need to have in mind at every stage of building. A beautiful website with amazing copy means nothing if half your potential customers leave before it even loads.